Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today Marrissa has soccer pictures instead of a game. She doesn't like her new jersey. She said it looks like a boys jersey. I told her who cares what it looks like, this is no fashion show, it's soccer. Girls!!!! After her pictures she wants to go shopping to spend her birthday money. She can't keep it too long or it will burn a hole in her pocket. Ha Ha.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Roo!!!

Today is Marrissa's 12th birthday. I can't believe it. Time goes way too fast. When she was born was one of the best days of my life. It changed everything for the better. I thank God everyday for her.
Let me tell you how she got the name Roo. When she was first born my mom nicknamed her Rissy, then her sister would call her Rissy Roo and the Roo just stuck. So we mostly call her Roo, but also use Rissy. We tell her Rissy is a very special name because that was the name her grandma, who loved her very much, gave her. That always reminds her how special she was to her grandma. She can't remember her grandma, but she will always know how much she cared.
She tells me today she wishes she was 13 instead of 12. I told her to just slow down. I don't know why these kids want to grow up so darn fast!!! Here is her cake we had for her on Friday night. It is an oreo ice cream cake. It was yummy!!!
These are a couple of her friends that come over on Friday and we took them to an amusement park. Of course she wanted it to be a sleepover, she likes that every year.
These were some rides they went on. Marrissa was nervous to get on the sky diver, it lifts you up way high and just drops you. After the ride she loved it. She likes all those crazy rides. I'm just getting to old to get on them, they make me feel sick.
She tells me look mom I'm driving. OMG I'm definitly not ready for that.
Well we're off to dinner at outback steak house. We always let the kids pick where they want to eat for their birthdays and she always picks the same place. Can you guess what she orders??? Cheese fries and Macaroni and cheese. Can you believe it, that is what she orders at a steak place. Only my daughter!!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

80's Flashback!!!

Today Marrissa had her first middle school dance. The theme was the 80's. I told her that was my generation. She told me how funny people dressed. She had a good time. I told her she better not have danced with any boys and she said the only time I wish I could have danced with one was when the slow songs came on. She said she was kidding, I guess she wants to give me a heart attack at a young age. OMG, I can't even believe she is already interested in boys!!!
She turned out so cute, she would have fit in perfect back then.

Here she was acting like she was working out. Don't you just love how I got the dog's head in the picture as he was walking by.
Of course she had to get Spike in one of the pictures. As you can see he wanted nothing to do with the picture taking.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Riding bikes

The other day we were riding our bikes and Marrissa feel down in the grass. Spike was just looking at her thinking what are you doing?. I had intended to try to get a picture of the sunset, but I was too late, it had already gone over the mountain.

Thursday, September 11, 2008


Yesterday afternoon I took these pictures of the dark clouds that I was hoping would bring us rain. You would think we would have got a lot of rain, but not a drop. Can you believe it, nothing. It rained all around us, but not here. It is always like that, the clouds roll in and we get a big dust storm,but no rain. I guess it just doesn't like to rain in Avondale!!! I love the rain. It is so relaxing . The good thing about it is that it cooled down.

Monday, September 8, 2008

My favorite children's book

I just love the children's book Love You Forever. It's about how a mother loves her son through all the stages of his life and in the end how he loves her in return. If you've never read it, you should. It has such great meaning about how we mother's really love our children. It has a song the mom would sing to the boy that says "I'll love you forever, I'll like you for always, as long as I'm living my baby you'll be." Now that is love!!! It reminds me of how my own mom loved me before she passed away and how I love Marrissa. There is nothing like a mother's love. This plaque hangs in Marrissa's room. I got the sticker at a scrapbooking convention that Bridgette and I went to last year. I could never find a plaque for it, so we asked Robert's mom and Tony if they could make us one. Didn't it come out beautiful!!! They are very talented you should see the stuff they have made. The only thing I did was put the sticker words on it. But anyway this is just a reminder for Marrissa how much I love her.

Thursday, September 4, 2008


A few weeks ago I had this idea that maybe if I started jogging I would loss weight pretty fast. Ha Ha. Let me tell you I have never in my life liked to jog or run, so why I got this crazy idea I don't know. So Robert said he would do it too. The first time I jogged I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I'm really out of shape. I would jog one block then walk the next. I thought after I do this a few times I bet I'll be able to jog the whole way. Well it's been about a week and a half and I'm still jogging like the first day I started. I'm coming to the conclusion that maybe jogging isn't for me. I'm still going to keep it up another week or so. Even Marrissa can jog the whole way.
One day after we got back I told Robert to pose for me so I could get a picture of him as if he were jogging. He is such a good sport.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Playing Games

This weekend was a very relaxing weekend. We didn't do much of anything but lounge around the house. It was very nice. One day Marrissa and I decided to play games. I really like to play games. My favorite is scrabble, but my family doesn't like to play it that often, so it is rare that we play it. Here we are playing sorry. Of course Marrissa won 2 out of 3 games. She is very good at games. We also played yahtzee and I won 2 out of 3 on that one. Anyway now our weekend is almost over and it will be back to work and school. Today we are going to go bowling and of course Robert will beat the socks off of Marrissa and I. He is a very good bowler. I just keep thinking one day I will beat him. I just have to practice more. Hope everyone had a great weekend.

The Maldonado's